Tag Archives: child abuse

The Easter Ham Story goes like this:

As a little girl watches her mom prepare the Easter ham, she wonders why her mother cuts off both ends of the ham before putting it in the pot. So, she asks why, and her mom realizes that she doesn’t know. That’s the way her own mother prepared the Easter ham.  So, they call grandmother and pose the question about cutting off the ends of the Easter ham. Grandmother admits to not knowing either. She just prepared the ham the way her mom did it.

Their next call is to great-grandmother. When they ask her about her method of preparing the Easter ham, she laughs. Then she says, “It was the only way I could get the Easter ham to fit the small pot that I had!”

I get really tired of explaining to others that just because our parents did something, doesn’t make it sensible and right.  Parents who use corporal punishment or abuse their partners always use the excuse that this was how they were raised, and so on back through the generations.  Listen up folks…..PARENTS MAKE MISTAKES!

The link that I am posting is going to be extremely disturbing.  It is an extreme form of corporal punishment, but, for those of you who think that striking a child is okay just because your own mother/father did it to you, think again.  Perhaps when the child herself is a parent, he/she will remember that mommy spanked too.  Watch the clip over, and over, and over if you have any doubts that your behavior as a parent is going to have an influence on the next generation of violent individuals.


Any questions?